Enja Schenck


Enja Schenck, MS, CSCS, USAPL, PMA-CPT, was certified by Bob Liekens in 2004 and worked by his side for 8 years. After her time as Lead Teacher-of-Teachers for the Power Pilates Teacher Training Program, she started teaching workshops and seminars independently, both nationally and internationally.

She holds a Master's degree in Sport Science and teaches Exercise Science coursework at colleges in New York City. Enja is a certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (NSCA), a certified Powerlifting Coach (USAPL), as well as the creator of pilatesscience.org, a platform dedicated to showcasing the latest scientific Pilates research.

Enja's teaching is inspired by no less than 4 very different modalities, which are also the cornerstones of her own training:

  • Postural Restoration Institute – PRI (Posture and Asymmetry management, Prehab, Post-Rehab)

  • Strength & Conditioning (Athletic and Speed Training)

  • Powerlifting (Heavy Strength Training)

  • Classical Pilates (Bob Liekens, Cynthia Shipley, Jay Grimes)

She specializes in adapting the training to the capabilities of each client, creating an appropriately challenging workout, while catering to each individual’s needs.

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